5 Reasons Why VR In the Real Estate Industry Is A Must Have


At first, virtual reality in the real estate industry was met with mere hilarity and called a ‘dream’ by many – but since then, a lot has changed and a tonne has evolved – and soon, you’ll be called ‘out of touch’ if you are not using VR in your arsenal of sales and marketing tools at your real estate firm. Here are 5 reasons why.

  • Viewing properties, 24/7, from the comfort of the home

Relaxing on your sofa, VR allows you the opportunity to view properties located anywhere in the world in the click of a mouse button. A completely, fully immersive experience allowing you to walk around the home, visualise what will go where and even plan your decoration plan.

Your customers will be able to visit any particular house or apartment (or in that case, any development) as they would in real life – and that’s a HUGE benefit to people seeking to move to another country and potentially saving thousands on flying back and forth.

  • Creating the sense of ownership

In the real estate industry there’s a saying – if you can provide the prospect buyer with a sense of ownership half the battle has already been won. With virtual reality tour companies such as Voxel Worlds – these guys provide the client with the ability to gain that seamlessly.

Customers will be able to see in absolutely devastatingly good detail every iota of their next purchase – and this instils a feeling of ownership – which has been known to dramatically enhance sales rates.

  • GREAT Construction Management

VR is not only an outstanding presentation and selling tool, but can also be incredibly useful at the stage of a properties design and construction. Plans that are put forward with the use of these new technologies are far clearer and the visualization of different stages of construction improves planning work for whoever is carrying out the contract meaning a more concise build.

  • The prestige

Offering virtual reality as a means of a selling tool is seen as nothing short of class. If you have the ability to fully submerse your clients into prospect developments and existing ones will mean that the client will likely choose your firm over competitors not using VR – it’s just facts – a clear, transparent plan for a client will inevitably lead to better sales and a higher prestige/reputation for your real estate firm in general.

  • Profit!

Finally, the most important aspect, VR is a significantly good investment for long term profits. Companies utilising VR have seen a monumental rise in revenue because of their usage of VR.

After all, who doesn’t want profits to increase whilst making for happier customers?

Many real estate firms use dated sales and marketing tactics, which are becoming more and more futile. In an industry as competitive as real estate people are looking for stand-out selling points and utilising VR will definitely help your real estate firm stick out from the crowd.

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